Conditions for acceptance of research for scientific publication or participation in conference events:
- The availability of international academic standards in participating research and their association with the proposed conference themes, with scrutiny of the methodology of scientific research and documentation of references and sources in the research.
- The research is up to date and has not been published once or presented at other scientific forums.
- Submit a summary of the research within 250 words accompanied by the keywords, measuring A4 and margins 2.5 cm from all sides.
- The full number of research pages shall not exceed 20, including the summary, bibliography, and annex.
- in Simplified Arabic for research in Arabic and Times New Roman for research in other foreign languages, with the use of the font size in board (12), and for headings (14), the distance between the lines (1.5).
- Research and Abstracts are accepted for publication in the language specified by the researcher in the following languages: Arabic-English-French-German-Italian, and an electronic copy of MS Word Doc and PDF is attached by email.
- Research submitted to the Conference is subject to scientific arbitration by an excellent selection of professors specializing in the judging panel, and the Commission has the right to accept or reject scientific material, or may request the researcher to make such adjustments as it deems necessary.
- Accepted research for publication will be published in the conference proceeding or in a special issue of International Journals of Archaeological Studies, as desired by the researcher with extra fees.